Smart on Fedora and openSUSE

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Wed Feb 25 13:10:54 PST 2009

>> Thanks.  I'll have a look at these this week still.  We should release
>> 1.2 shortly with the most important fixes we've got.
> It's just names, but I used "1.1.2" for the gathering of fixes.
> (including some downstream patches that seemed good to go...)
> While "1.2" had some new features added, like the Qt interface.
> But maybe those would be better off as a "2.0" branch instead ?

It is just naming indeed, but so far Smart has followed a different
pattern which I'd like to maintain if that's ok with you.  1.1.X would
be some very minor change, perhaps packaging, perhaps a small bug.
1.2 is a new interim release which brings fixes collected over some
time or new features.  2.0 will be a major release which must present
significant development.  Nothing we're doing is significant enough to
render it into 2.0.

> Both of the development branches are getting to be quite big
> though, so maybe it would be easier to discuss feature by bug.

Thanks for this list.  It'll be very helpful over the next few days.

I won't go over it in detail right now, but will get back to you up to Friday.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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