smart translation

Antenore Gatta antenore at
Mon Feb 8 02:12:28 PST 2010

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 10:02 AM, afb at <afb at> wrote:
>>In the free time, I'd like to help with the Italian translation. I
>>already have experience with "The Linux Counter Project", with GNU
>>Herds and with foswiki.
>>Do you prefer that I commit directly in bazaar (i need permission to
>>write) or or that I send the po file by email?
> Please upload all translations to Launchpad, and I'll try to
> synchronize with the translations projects and add to trunk...
> There should be a web button where you can add your .po ?

I found it... Doing

>>I'd like also to participate a bit in the development, any chance I
>>will be accepted?
> Sure, what development and/or changes are you considering ?
> I've sketched a few roadmap items in the form of the bugs on LP.

I'm mainly interested in the QT interface (+ plasma widget, if
interested) at the moment.

> (subject to change)
> --anders

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