Oh heck :-(

Basil Chupin blchupin at tpg.com.au
Thu Aug 24 01:27:35 PDT 2006

Basil Chupin wrote:
> Basil Chupin wrote:
>> smart just got upgraded and now it doesn't function: the upgrades did 
>> not complete and the smarttray icon is showing that there are upgrades 
>> pending but when I try to activate smart it just disappears off the 
>> screen :-( . Starting smartmanager and after updating the channels the 
>> smart menu disappears from the screen as soon as I select to perform 
>> the upgrades.
>> What is necessary to be done to get smart back to normality?
>> Cheers.
> I'll know in a minute or so but I think the problem is fixed.
> All the packages which smart states are ready to be upgraded have been, 
> in fact, already downloaded and sitting in /var/lib/smart/packages and 
> so when smart goes to upgrade them it just terminates and vanishes off 
> the screen.
> (Why should it do this?)
> The fix I did was to rename /var/lib/packages to ..../packages.old and 
> smart then started to upgrade the packages in its list.
> STOP PRESS. Doing this has not solved the problem. All the packages have 
> been again downloaded and placed in the newly created /packages 
> directory -- and smart is still claiming that there are upgrades pending 
> :-( .

Further to the above, the packages involved are:


When I attempt to "install" them with rpm -Uvh *.rpm --test, I get the 
error message "Segmentation fault".

Separating the 4 smart packages from the others and doing the ....--test 
"install" on them also produces the same error message.


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