Detecting configured yum repos

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at
Mon Nov 6 01:06:35 PST 2006

On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 02:35:58AM -0500, Claude Jones wrote:
> Configuring channels in Smart is a bit tedious. I discovered by chance that 
> Smart when started for the first time after installation on my Fedora Core 
> boxes, would often offer me the option, one by one, of including my existing 
> yum repositories as channels. I can't figure out how to make this behavior 
> consistent, however. In the past two weeks, I've built up a couple of new FC6 
> machines. In both cases, I first configured my yum repositories, which are 
> easy to do because most of the repos offer release packages which take care 
> of configuration with one easy rpm installation. Once I have all my 
> repositories set up, I installed smart, and on first run, Smart went through 
> all the repos I'd set up, and asked one dialog at a time, if I wanted to add 
> those repos as channels. Very nice. But, on my second try, this did not 
> happen. I tried removing Smart and reinstalling it, but to no avail. Is there 
> a command I can run that will detect the repos in /etc/yum.repos.d and offer 
> me the opportunity to add them as channels? 

smart has no such support, you were probably using something like the
medley-package-config that comes with smart channels for many repos
preconfigured and you thought they were copied from the yum config
(medley-package-config has the same repo info alsp as yum repos, so to
the user it may seem like you describe, indeed).

For FC6 there is again a medley-package-config containing the repos
that started to support FC6. If something is missing there report on
ATrpms' channels (bugzilla preferred).
Axel.Thimm at
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