smart hanging on librpm/__memp_fget_rpmdb

Jeff Johnson n3npq at
Wed Nov 22 04:59:27 PST 2006

On Nov 22, 2006, at 7:49 AM, Axel Thimm wrote:

>>> Although noone seems to be able to put a finger on any part of
>>> rpm/beecrypt/db4 that didn't have any relevant changes something  
>>> seems
>>> to be triggering race situations. Some blamed yum-updatesd,  
>>> others the
>>> way (the new) yum opens/closes the rpmdb, but it seems to even  
>>> happen
>>> w/o any yum present and on both FC5 and FC6, so it's probably a
>>> combination of kernel 2.6.18 latency/lock changes and rpm that
>>> triggers this. But ATM this is just my best guess based on the
>>> observations of rpm/apt/smart/yum bugs reported.
>> Whatever, make up your own FUD.
> Jeff, please *read* more carefully, randomly insulting and jumping the
> gun is not helping. I wrote that there are people reporting these bugs
> on yum-free systems and on older FC systems that don't have the new
> yum "improvements" ...

I'm unaware of any yum-free problem reports that have not been  
tracked to
hardware deficiencies (-1.2798 turned on dma for certain laptop ide  
Certainly, since yum "stuff" is running by default when installed,  
the likelihood
of yum-free in FC6 is rather small.

Remember, stale locks and DB_PANIC can occur for multiple reasons, in  
recent and not-so-recent past, that show up now.

And older systems used to be stable, look at what changed (certainly  
not rpm), or factor
in the "Me too." reporting effect, when considering.

I'll happily look at any problems where pointers to details are  

Meanwhile, the vast majority of problems are coming from yum deciding
to reopen an rpmdb thousands of times per run in order to handle  

73 de Jeff

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