F***in' annoying unavailable keys...

Jeff Johnson n3npq at mac.com
Sun Sep 3 06:16:41 PDT 2006

> IMHO, the problem is caused, by the simple reason, that the key,  
> when it
> gets imported, goes to: /home/user/.gnpg/pubring.gpg
> and not in the rpm-database...

So you have the pubkey in the gpg keyring, but not in the rpmdb keyring.

Export an ascii armored pubkey, then do
     rpm --import your_export_key_here
is one solution.

> I know this, because the socalled:'unavailable'keys, are to be  
> found at
> the keyservers, and can be imported..
> I did import the 'unavailable' keys myself by hand, to see what is  
> wrong,
> Only spm, does not find them...so it does not look in the mentioned  
> dir..

If configured correctly, rpm-4.4.2 and later can also import from  

Here's what I have in /etc/rpm/macros:
     %_hkp_keyserver  hkp://sks.keyserver.penguin.de
     %_hkp_keyserver_query  %{_hkp_keyserver}/pks/lookup? 

Then you can do (change "12345678" to your pubkey fingerprint):

     rpm --import 0x12345678

> Maybe, if you looked in the mail, if not too much asked, (no offence
> meanth here, or insult..) you would find all the info regarding  
> this issue..

I did look at your mail, but it looked like SPAM, and failed to verify
using gpg, so I did not bother to try to find out whether SPAM or not.

> No hard feelings, just trying to make things work...;)

Me too.

73 de Jeff

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