API for smart?

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Fri Mar 30 11:14:15 PDT 2007

Hey Erik,

How's that research coming?  Have you actually done anything
about it for real?

> What I want to achieve is, to have a smart-based
> application, which deals with a certain set of
> self developed packages only. This "smart-application"
> shall deal with only one channel and shall be capable
> to install (and remove) only packages available
> via this channel. The goal is to allow "normal users"
> to install/remove these packages on a system without
> generally giving them the right to install/remove software

This should be fairly simple to do.  In fact, it'd be just
a matter of disabling the channel edition feature.  Of course,
doing it in a secure way isn't that trivial.  It'll just
prevent people from being able to do it trivially.

> BTW. Is this API (i.e. the "smart library") stable?

Yes, it's quite stable.  We don't change the API in an
incompatible way for quite a while.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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